ADHD is not limited to a certain age group. However, many people tend to assume that only younger adults are affected by ADHD. In many cases, people mistake ADHD in seniors for other memory-related conditions. Yet, the truth is there is a significant number of seniors living with ADHD every day.
Not to mention, ADHD may get even worse in our older age as it is amplified by other age-related conditions and health problems. The earlier you can detect ADHD, the better. So, what are the signs to look out for, and what can you do to look after your older loved one? Here are some signs of ADHD in adults over 60..
Difficulty Staying Focused
People suffering from ADHD may have a difficult time focusing on a single project for more than a few moments. Not only do they become restless, but they don’t have the same attention to detail that their colleagues or friends might have.
They may start a project, yet find themselves easily distracted by the slightest thing, making it impossible to finish anything. Whether it’s cleaning up the house, or writing an email, the ADHD senior doesn’t stay focused on one activity for very long.
Misplacing Things Frequently
One of the reasons why ADHD is so difficult to diagnose in seniors is that the signs can be very similar to age-related issues. Misplacing things frequently is something that most older adults experience, and even younger adults. All it takes it’s a long day of work to leave us feeling spaced out and forgetful.
Yet, if you notice that your older loved one is misplacing things consistently, then it’s something to look into. Losing things once in a while is one thing, however, finding yourself completely incapable of staying on track with your belongings is another. If your loved one is always losing things, do yourself a favor and don’t ignore it.
People suffering from ADHD may find themselves irritable and restless. They may not have the patience it takes to let other people finish their sentences and as such you might notice a considerable amount of interrupting. If you notice mood swings brought on out of nowhere, and an inability to regulate emotions, then this could be a sign of ADHD.
Risky Behavior
If you notice your older loved one participating in risky behavior with hardly any forethought, take a step back and ask yourself why this might be. Many specialists believe that high-risk behavior with no regard for their own safety or for others could be a red flag for ADHD in adults. In addition to being a sign of having ADHD, risky behavior could also put them or others in danger. So, ask yourself whether the behavior is worth looking into further.
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